
Hello and welcome to THE official CACI (Bracknell) Movember blog.

We are a gaggle of gentlemen very keen on looking stupid. For some this is one small step, for others, a giant leap. How are we looking stupid? Well we are taking part in Movember to raise money for prostate cancer research through the medium of facial hair. Facial hair above the lip to be precise.

You can donate to our cause by heading to here and entering the code: 83281. Or just use the link to the right.

This blog will be used to keep people up to date with 'work in progress' mo's, and maybe even some creative writing to tickle your senses....but probably not.

Friday 9 November 2007

End of week one

Warning: This page is likely to change as I write more sillyness. Not much sillyness at the mo-ment, I'm a bit busy. Sorry.

Well, week one is over and we're well on our way. The 'teenage fluff' has developed for most. Upset partners have packed their bags and left. And Steve is looking very shifty.

Our progress is below.

David Lil-Mo Njoku


Sponsor Lil Mo.

This week Lil Mo has been mostly drawing smiley faces on Rich Tea biscuits in mustard. He intends to phone the Guiness Book of Records next Tuesday to find out if he's set a new world record for smiley face drawing.

Glen Am-Mo Bleksley

Sponsor Am-mo

This week Am-Mo has been mostly knitting sweaters for his collection of Barbie and Ken dolls. His favourite is the red and lime green pullover with nice, little pink frills.

Jay Ala-Mo Abram-Champion


Sponsor Ala-Mo

This week Ala-Mo has been mostly buying a pair of Mongolian mountain goats. He is convinced that the world supply of fossil fuels is soon going to run out and cars of the future will run on the milk of Mongolian mountain goats. His two goats, Billie and Piper, will make him a millionaire in the future, he believes.

Sam Pissed-tache-Mo Boot

Sponsor Pissed-tache-Mo

This week Pissed-tache-Mo has been mostly learning to whistle the Japanese national anthem through his nose.

Simon Gran Turis-Mo Tobias
Today Simon is invisible. Maybe we'll see him later.
Sponsor Gran Turis-Mo

This week Gran Turis-Mo has been mostly bragging about that one time that he saw Whatshisname from Big Brother walking down the street. "The air smells sweeter when there's a celebrity around," he claims.

Stephen Mo-Tivator Cairns
Sponsor Mo-Tivator

This week Mo-Tivator has been mostly bouncing a tennis ball against the wall and humming the tune from The Great Escape. He plans to re-enact scenes from Saturday Night Fever next week.

Tim Slo-Mo Williams
Sponsor Slo-Mo
This week Slo-Mo has been mostly writing fan mail to The Cheeky Girls. He has also been working on his latest inventions, velcro dentures and earwax golfballs.

Tom Dyna-Mo Casserly
Sponsor Dyna-Mo
This week Dyna-Mo has been mostly picketing outside his local kebab shop. "What do we want? More onions! When do we want it? NOW!"

Terry The Hairy Yak Pound
The Hairy Yak2
The Hairy Yak
Sponsor The Hairy Yak
This week The Hairy Yak has been mostly composing hip-hop and heavy metal versions of popular nursery rhymes and nursery rhyme versions of gangsta rap songs.

Rahul Supre-Mo Sharma
Sponsor Supre-Mo

This week Supre-Mo has been mostly writing his latest book, The Supre-Mo Cookbook, containing such recipes as Ready Salted Crisps pie, Ready Salted Crisps lasagne, Ready Salted Crisps pudding and Ready Salted Crisps jalfrezi.

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